Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fred Hansen should be fired

They say he can get a job anywhere........I wish he would!!  Go Away!  Your Light Rail Scamming Poor Management style is NOT welcome here.  TriMet needs a major overhaul, and Fred is not going to bring it.  Why? Cause he wants MORE light rail.  I think we can expect the bus system to keep deteriorating as long as he is at the helm.  Of course, being that hes going on a paid venture that has nothing to do with us, what goes without saying he isnt managing at all.  It also seems there are too many levels of management, if Fred is making $250k a year, he can do the job of many hats.  I find it amazing that a transit agency hasnt made the news like this ever, King County is only to promote how they are IMPROVING bus service!  TriMet makes the news for bad ticket machines and its GM.  REPLACE the machines, popular ones seem to reside with San Diego Trolley, CalTrain and LA Metro.  They are easier too, you tell it what station your going to, and it figures the fare, no guessing what "Zone".   Ok, enough with my rant, but this guy has got to go!

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