Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My thoughts about the new Transit Mall

In the last couple of days, we have actually used the services on the mall.  We found some issues:

-Line 14 needs to run ON the mall, at least until Light Rail begins, or could do something like what line 15 does with some of line 14 old routing, have line 14 come in on main, stop between 5th &6th on main, then right on 6th to Alder, right again make the stop between 5th & 6th (no stops on 6th).

-Buses done servicing the stop should go first, as they did in the old mall alignment

-The Yellow Line should have been moved May 24th also to make connections and transfers better.  TriMet is banking on this Mall working best with Light Rail, but they start it up before light rail does, so we suffer in the mean time.

Keeping many buses the same as on the temporary alignment hardly mirrors what the old mall offered,  I guess the object is to get less buses on it at rush hour.  How does this work when you have to make ALL Line 14 passengers transfer to get to the core or North end? Only the 94 and 99 travel on the mall, why are they (express buses) so special that the 92 and 96 cant?  I think a lot of this looked good on paper, but when you out there trying to do all this, its sorta a pain the ass.  I think the Light rail and bus combo is going to snag more than they think, Seattles LINK Light Rail is already having issues, I heard the second day they ran them in the tunnel was chaos.  It seems many of the people that design transit, don't actually use transit.

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